Welcome to the future of trucking insurance

We have created bleeding edge technology that allows our agents to quote, bind and service quickly.

About Us

Let’s win more business

We are a technology and service company built for trucking insurance agents, to help you attract, win and retain more business

Cover Badger is the future of the wholesale trucking insurance model. We have shifted everything that is antiquated to now be innovative. We work exclusively with our insurtech partners and have co-built technology that is focused on quoting, binding and servicing our agents fast. In concert with our technology, we have built a world-class service organization that ensures high customer retention. If you are ready to make more money, have your customers serviced better and do it all quickly, then it’s time to make a shift.


Sunset in the mountains
Justin Feaster

Accomplished insurance entrepreneur who has established and managed major insurance brokerages

Sunset in the mountains
Judge Graham

An entrepreneur with a proven track record of starting and exiting marketing and technology companies valued in the nine-figure range

Sunset in the mountains
Matt Manero

Experienced transportation finance entrepreneur who owns and operates Commercial Fleet Finance, a 9-figure company that has served over 10,000 clients

Our mission

The biggest and best trucking wholesale insurance company in America

Our vision

Transform how wholesale trucking insurance is sold and serviced

Core values we live & die by


All day, every day


We believe money is a GREAT thing


We play chess, not checkers


Success serves us all


Get started today

You are just a few clicks away from being able to start quoting and binding.

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